Room Capacity

Group Study Rooms Temporarily Unavailable

The NSC Library Building is being renovated and the library has moved to a temporary location. There are no private group study rooms available in the temporary library space. However, the temporary library does have a mix of quiet study and collaborative study areas.

Group Study Rooms will be available again when we move back into the renovated Library Building!




Note: A Daily maximum of 2 hours can be booked.

1. Group study rooms are to be used by groups of two or more people only, not by individuals. Person reserving the room must be a part of the study group.

2. Group study rooms may be reserved at time of need or up to three open days in advance.

3. To guarantee use of a group study room, reservations must be made using the online reservation tool, even for walk-in use. If a walk-in group does not reserve the room, they may be asked to cede the room to a group that has signed up for the room.

4. Persons placing a reservation for a group study room must be currently enrolled students or current employees. A North Seattle College Office365 email address ( is required to make a reservation.

5. Reservations must be made using the online reservation tool. The Library cannot take group study room reservations over the phone or via e-mail.

6. Group study rooms are reserved for no longer than two hours per group per day.  Group study rooms cannot be reserved for advance periods of time beyond three days.

7. The reservation for a group study room is nullified if the group has not shown up after fifteen minutes of the scheduled reservation.

8. Group study rooms are not to be used as regular meeting places for classrooms. Instructors should contact the program manager at the Office of Instruction if they need accommodation for regularly scheduled classes.

9. Conflicts arising from the use of the group study rooms will be resolved by an available Library staff member.

10. Individuals who want a silent study environment are directed to the silent study carrels in room 2133.

11. The Library staff is not responsible for personal items left unattended in group study rooms.

12. Exceptions to the above guidelines may be made by the Library administrator or librarians.

The silent study room (room 2133) in the Library is set aside as a quiet study environment for individual students, faculty, and staff of the Seattle College District (SCD).


1. The silent study room is for individuals, not for groups.

2. Use of the silent study room does not require reservations.

3. There is no time limit on the use of the silent study room by individuals.

4. Individuals who disturb other people using the silent study room and/or do not respect the quiet environment of the silent study room will be asked to leave the Library.

5. The Library staff is not responsible for personal items left unattended in the silent study room.